PIP Announcement – Better Start National Early Years Quality Development Satisfaction Survey 2021

Better Start National Early Years Quality Development Satisfaction Survey 2021

Dear Service Provider

If you engaged with Better Start Early Years Quality Development and availed of mentoring, coaching or training from a QDS or AIM Early Years Specialist or Continuous Professional Development training through the Learning and Development Unit between May 2020 and end of October 2021.

You will have received an email from Better Start Enquiries with the subject ‘Better Start National Early Years Quality Development Satisfaction Survey 2021’ inviting you to complete a short survey which will inform us how we develop and improve our services as we move forward.

We greatly value your opinion and would appreciate if you would complete the survey by Thursday the 23rd December.

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Complaints Form

If you have a query please contact us on 01 4851727 or info@fingalcountychildcare.ie   

But if you have a complaint please fill in the form below. Staff are trained to answer your queries/complaints and every effort is made to resolve them promptly and efficiently. We endeavour to get back to you within 48 hours.