FCCC provides advice and information to support parents find an early years’ service, to ask the right questions when they are choosing childcare and to reduce the costs.
FCCC also provides a range of supports to early year’s providers including information and advice on the three government schemes, National Practice Guidelines (Síolta & Aistear), accredited and non-accredited training opportunities, child protection, compliance with Pre-School Regulations and funding requirements and most importantly service development and improvement. We also administer the Learner Fund, Parent & Toddler Grants and Childminding Development Grants. Coupled with this we provide development support to childcare services through one-to-one site meetings, training and workshops.
FCCCs key objectives are aligned with the key aims of ‘The National Strategic Plan 2011-2013’ to deliver early childhood care and education programmes which support children and families. This is embedded throughout the work of FCCC and addressed through the following care strategic development aims: The National Childcare Strategy and National Children’s Strategy.
FCCC’s key aim is to nurture the development of quality childcare for all in Fingal. As such, a critical role is to act in an advisory capacity to coordinate, support and assist childcare practitioners and families in Fingal County. Our team provides a comprehensive service that meets the needs identified by our key stakeholders and aligns with local and national initiatives. We aim to ensure access to a choice of affordable, quality childcare that is responsive to the needs of the child and family within their local community.
We believe that these core objectives support the critical work resulting from previous investment in the sector including: The National Childcare Strategy, EOCP, NCIP and more recent developments in early years care and education in Ireland, including the Free Pre-School Year, Better Start, Síolta and Aistear.
Contact the Fingal County Childcare Committee Office on (01) 4851727 or email info@fingalcountychildcare.ie
Phone: 01 4851727 Email: info@fingalcountychildcare.ie
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But if you have a complaint please fill in the form below. Staff are trained to answer your queries/complaints and every effort is made to resolve them promptly and efficiently. We endeavour to get back to you within 48 hours.