Other Funding

Building Blocks Extension Scheme

Information for Early Learning and Childcare providers on new capital funding scheme

1. Introduction
The purpose of the Building Blocks Extension Grant Scheme is to deliver additional capacity in the sector
by supporting existing early learning and childcare services to undertake physical extensions to existing
premises, or to purchase or construct new premises. The scheme is open to Core Funding partner
services only.

The scheme has four strands:

1. Extensions to existing premises for private services
2. Extensions to existing premises for community services
3. Purchase of new premises for community services
4. Construction of new premises for community services

2. Eligibility
2.1 Who can apply?
▪ Services must currently be a Core Funding Partner Service and must commit to continuing to
operate as a Partner Service for the equivalent duration of the charge, as set out in S4.3 below.
Specifically in respect of fees, the Building Blocks scheme eligibility rules will determine the
maximum fee that can be charged by the service at the point of time of application for the
capital funding. Thereafter, Core Funding rules and contractual conditions will determine how
any changes to fees can be made
▪ Services who are going to offer additional full-time places for 1-3 year olds
▪ Services who commit to opening for a minimum of 42 weeks per year.
▪ Services who own their premises or have a long-term lease of the property which is capable of
registration in the Property Registration Authority and also which is capable of supporting the
registration of a charge in favour of the Minister (minimum 22 years from the date of registration
of the charge, with 25 years remaining on the Lease) and the Lessor/Landlord/ owner of the
property will enter into an Agreement in respect of registration of the legal charge over the
▪ Services who confirm that the fees that they charge (on the opening date for applications) for
places do not exceed the maximum fee threshold for the relevant care type:
The maximum fee threshold for full time care is €295 per week
The maximum fee threshold for part time care is €190 per week
2.2 Who cannot apply?
▪ Services based in private residential dwellings
▪ Childminders
▪ Drop-in centres
▪ Services in leased premises who have less than 20 years remaining
▪ Services who are in receipt of funding under Building Blocks Expansion Grant


Deadline for receipt of application 20th January 2025

Learner Bursary