Pobal is contracted, on behalf of the Department of Children, Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) to conduct compliance visits with each participating childcare service who operates one or more of the Childcare Funding Programmes:
Compliance visits will involve checks on records held on site in respect of the following Early Years programmes:
- National Childcare Scheme (NCS)
- Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programme
- Community Childcare Subvention Plus (CCSP) Saver programme
The purpose of the Compliance Visit is to verify that:
- The children who have been registered with the DCEDIY under one of the Childcare Funding Programmes are actually enrolled in and attending the service.
- The service is implementing the correct Fee Payment Policy.
- The Fee Payment Policy, Parent Letters (where applicable) and Calendars (where applicable) are displayed in the service and that a copy signed by the parent/guardian of each child is on file.
- records are maintained of optional extra charges, deposits, voluntary donation and/or fees for additional hours and in accordance with the Fee Payment Policy of the service.
- The service can show the qualifications of all staff working directly with children.
Link to Early Years Hive documents:
Programme Documents – Service Provider Portal (ncs.gov.ie)