Dear ELC/SAC Providers,
As you may be aware a formal invitation issued to ELCSF members (Stakeholder Forum) on April 23rd to take part in a series of regional consultation sessions on Administrative and Regulatory requirements linked to Early Learning and Care, and School Age Childcare Schemes and Programmes. This is just a reminder that those session will take place in Cork, Mullingar, Dublin, Galway, Kilkenny and Cavan on the dates listed below. The sessions will take place from 16:30h to 18:30h at each location. These sessions will be followed by a further online session planned for the 13th June 2024 for those who are unable to attend the in person events.
Cork, Clayton Hotel, Lapps Quay – 20th May
Mullingar, Annebrook House Hotel – 22nd May
Dublin, Morrison Hotel – 23rd May
Galway, Connaught Hotel – 27th May
Kilkenny, Springhill Hotel – 30th May
Cavan, Hotel Kilmore – 5th June
This is an open consultation with Parents, Providers, Parental Representative Bodies, Provider Representative bodies and other key sectoral stakeholders and will provide a key input to the development of an Action Plan. If you service wish to attend please complete and return the attached table to, listing names and contact details by 3rd May 2024.