Childminders Support Pack

The Childminding Development Officers provide support to the local City and County Childcare Committees to work with existing and potential childminders to deliver a high-quality early learning and care and/or school age service to meet the requirements of individual children, families and communities.

The Childminding Development Officer team would like to acknowledge that the material in the documents has been adapted from resources previously developed and published by the City and County Childcare Committees (CCCs) and Tusla.

Click on the images below to download

Order your Childminders Support Pack

Contact us to receive these helpful guides & more

Contact us at Fingal CCC on 01 4851727 or  

You’ll also receive our monthly newsletter, information and support, opportunities to attend training and networking events and to be kept up to date with developments in the sector.

If you need to find another CCC, use the following link:  

National Action Pan for Childminding

The National Action Plan for Childminding have a number of useful videos available for childminders and parents. 

Complaints Form

If you have a query please contact us on 01 4851727 or   

But if you have a complaint please fill in the form below. Staff are trained to answer your queries/complaints and every effort is made to resolve them promptly and efficiently. We endeavour to get back to you within 48 hours.